Womaniya Initiative


The Womaniya Initiative is a remarkable movement that aims to empower women and promote gender equality in society. It recognizes the invaluable contributions of women and strives to create an environment where they can thrive and fulfill their potential. This article explores the various aspects of the Womaniya Initiative and highlights its significant impact on the lives of women.

Womaniya Initiative
                 Womaniya Initiative


Launched in 2019, the “Womaniya” initiative has sought to encourage the participation of women  entrepreneurs and self-help groups (SHG) from the informal sector on the GeM portal and facilitate the sale of their products directly to various Government buyers, sans intermediaries. Generic product  categories were created for listing of handicrafts and handloom, accessories, jute and coir products,  bamboo products, organic foods, spices, home décor and office furnishings to facilitate ease-inproduct catalog listing and procurement from women entrepreneurs.

What is the Womaniya Initiative?

Womaniya Initiative
Womaniya Initiative


The Womaniya Initiative is a comprehensive program that encompasses various projects and initiatives focused on uplifting women. It seeks to address the challenges and barriers faced by women in different spheres of life, including education, employment, health, and safety. Through its multifaceted approach, the Womaniya Initiative aims to create a more inclusive and equitable society.

Goals and Objectives

The primary goal of the Womaniya Initiative is to empower women by providing them with the necessary resources, opportunities, and support. Its objectives include:

  1. Promoting access to quality education for girls and women.
  2. Offering vocational training programs to enhance women’s skills and employability.
  3. Ensuring the health and well-being of women through healthcare initiatives.
  4. Combating gender-based violence and creating safe spaces for women.
  5. Advocating for gender equality in the workplace.
  6. Recognize and celebrate women’s achievements and contributions.

Empowering Women Through Education

Womaniya Initiative
         Womaniya Initiative


Education plays a vital role in empowering women and breaking the cycle of gender inequality. The Womaniya Initiative focuses on improving access to education for girls and women, especially in marginalized communities. It supports initiatives that provide scholarships, mentorship programs, and educational resources to girls. By investing in their education, the Womaniya Initiative equips women with the knowledge and skills they need to pursue their dreams and become agents of change. Read also- Mahila Samriddhi Yojana

Presently, 1.44 lakh+ Udyam-verified women micro, small enterprises (MSE) known as “Womaniya” are registered as sellers and service-providers on the GeM portal and have fulfilled 14.76 lakh+ orders  worth INR 21,265 Crore in Gross Merchandise Value (GMV). The ratio of the order value is 74 percent  (%) in products to 26 percent (%) in Service categories.

Top five (5) product categories in which women  have registered their presence include Desktop Computers, Smart Phone-IS:13252, Special Purpose  Telephones (Smart Phone For ICDS), Smart Phone and Hopper Tipper Dumper, and top five (5) service  categories include Manpower Outsourcing Services – Minimum Wage, Custom Bid for Services,  Human Resource Outsourcing Service, Monthly Basis Cab & Taxi Hiring Services, and Manpower  Outsourcing Services – Fixed Remuneration.

Providing Vocational Training Opportunities

In addition to education, the Womaniya Initiative recognizes the importance of vocational training in empowering women economically. It offers various vocational training programs that equip women with marketable skills, such as computer literacy, entrepreneurship, and craftsmanship. These programs enable women to gain financial independence, start their own businesses, and contribute to the economic growth of their communities.

Ensuring Health and Well-being

Womaniya Initiative
       Womaniya Initiative


The Womaniya Initiative places a strong emphasis on addressing the health needs of women. It supports healthcare initiatives that provide access to quality healthcare services, including reproductive health, maternal care, and mental health support. By prioritizing women’s health and well-being, the Womaniya Initiative aims to improve their overall quality of life and create a healthier society.

Addressing Gender-Based Violence

Gender-based violence is a pervasive issue that affects women worldwide. The Womaniya Initiative works tirelessly to combat gender-based violence and create safe environments for women. It supports initiatives that raise awareness, provide counseling and legal aid, and advocate for stricter laws and policies against gender-based violence. Through these efforts, the Womaniya Initiative aims to protect women from all forms of violence and ensure their safety and security.

Promoting Gender Equality in the Workplace

The Womaniya Initiative recognizes the importance of gender equality in the workplace. It advocates for equal opportunities and fair treatment for women in employment. By partnering with organizations and businesses, the Womaniya Initiative encourages the implementation of policies that promote gender diversity and inclusion. It strives to break down the barriers that limit women’s advancement in the workplace and create a more balanced and equitable working environment. Read more-pib

Celebrating Women’s Achievements

The Womaniya Initiative believes in celebrating women’s achievements and highlighting their contributions to society. It organizes events, awards, and campaigns to recognize and honor women who have excelled in various fields. By showcasing these role models, the Womaniya Initiative inspires and motivates other women to pursue their dreams and realize their full potential.

Collaboration and Partnerships

The Womaniya Initiative understands the importance of collaboration and partnerships in achieving its goals. It actively collaborates with governmental and non-governmental organizations, businesses, educational institutions, and community leaders to maximize its impact. By leveraging collective resources and expertise, the Womaniya Initiative can reach more women and implement sustainable solutions.

Impact of the Womaniya Initiative

Since its inception, the Womaniya Initiative has made a significant impact on the lives of women. It has empowered countless women by providing education, vocational training, healthcare support, and protection against gender-based violence. Through its efforts, the Womaniya Initiative has contributed to the economic and social progress of communities, fostering a more inclusive and equitable society.

Challenges and Future Plans

Despite its achievements, the Womaniya Initiative faces several challenges. Limited resources, cultural barriers, and deep-rooted gender norms continue to hinder progress towards gender equality. However, the Womaniya Initiative remains committed to its mission and has ambitious plans for the future. It aims to expand its reach, strengthen partnerships, and advocate for policy changes that promote gender equality on a larger scale.


The Womaniya Initiative is a powerful movement that is transforming the lives of women and driving social change. By empowering women through education, vocational training, healthcare, and safety initiatives, it is creating a more inclusive and equitable society. The Womaniya Initiative stands as a beacon of hope, inspiring women to dream big, overcome challenges, and lead with confidence.

The “Womaniya” initiative seeks to address the triple challenge of “access to markets”, “access to  finance” and “access to value-addition” faced by women entrepreneurs and strives to align the untapped entrepreneurial energy of last-mile producers and service-providers in India with local  Government buyers. This will spur hyper-local procurement thereby integrating local value-chains  through “Vocal for Local” and “Make in India” initiatives of the Government, thereby furthering the  aim of ensuring a self-reliant “Atmanirbhar Bharat”.


Q: How can I get involved with the Womaniya Initiative?

A: You can get involved by volunteering, donating, or supporting their programs and initiatives. Visit their website for more information on how to contribute.

Q: Does the Womaniya Initiative provide financial assistance for women pursuing higher education?

A: Yes, the Womaniya Initiative offers scholarships and financial aid to support women in their pursuit of higher education.

Q: How does the Womaniya Initiative address the unique challenges faced by rural women?

A: The Womaniya Initiative has specific programs tailored to address the needs and challenges of rural women, such as providing vocational training and access to healthcare services.

Q: Can men support the Womaniya Initiative?

A: Absolutely! The Womaniya Initiative encourages everyone, regardless of gender, to support their cause and work towards gender equality.

Q: How can I stay updated on the Womaniya Initiative’s latest initiatives and events?

A: You can follow the Womaniya Initiative on social media platforms and subscribe to their newsletter for regular updates.


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